Green Peas is an environmentally responsible social enterprise founded in 2021 in the picturesque town of Jeita, Lebanon. Our founders, a group of young, innovative, and experienced Lebanese individuals, joined forces with a shared vision of creating a positive impact in the world through proactive sustainable and environmental practices.


Permaculture is a sustainable farming method that focuses on creating productive and self-sustaining agricultural ecosystems which mimic the diversity and resilience of natural environments.


  • A technique where various plants are strategically placed near each other, allowing them to support and benefit from one another. This arrangement enhances garden health by naturally managing pests, optimizing nutrient sharing, and improving soil conditions for a thriving and productive ecosystem.

  • Composting is a key permaculture practice that involves transforming organic waste, such as kitchen scraps and yard trimmings, into nutrient-rich compost. This nourishes and replenishes the soil, promoting healthier plant growth, enhancing soil structure, and contributing to a sustainable, closed-loop ecosystem.

    Mulching involves covering the soil with organic materials to promote soil health and moisture, reduce weed competition, and facilitate nutrient cycling. This practice, by mirroring natural ecosystems, fosters a self-sustaining, fertile environment conducive to plant growth.

  • A sustainable approach to producing energy by harnessing natural, renewable resources, such as solar, wind, or hydropower. This practice focuses on meeting the needs of the garden, while minimizing environmental impact, supporting self-sufficiency, and promoting long-term ecological balance.

  • A soil-friendly agricultural approach that eliminates tilling, minimizes soil disturbance, and preserves the soil’s natural structure and ecology. This promotes healthy and productive gardens and landscapes.

  • A practice involving the collection, preservation, and propagation of seeds from healthy plants, as well as nurturing seedlings in a controlled environment. This method fosters biodiversity and self-reliance, which enables the cultivation of local plant species and contributes to the long-term health of the ecosystem.

  • A practice aimed at maximizing water efficiency by recycling wastewater, integrating water-saving landscape designs, and employing sustainable irrigation methods.

  • An approach focused on efficiently capturing, conserving, and utilizing rainwater or other natural water sources within a landscape. This reduces reliance on external water supplies and promotes sustainable water management to support thriving ecosystems.

  • A technique that strategically organizes garden or landscape elements based on their functions, needs, and relationships. This creates a well-planned and efficient space that optimizes resource use, supports biodiversity, and fosters harmonious connections between plants, animals, and human activities.



Low-tech refers to simple, accessible, and cost-effective solutions that significantly contributes to the fulfillment of basic needs, such as food production. At Green Peas, we provide landowners with training materials and permaculture resources to grow their own food using low-tech methods, in order to address the issue of food security in Lebanon.


A cutting-edge approach to permaculture that combines permaculture practices with advanced technology such as precision irrigation, automated harvesting, and sensor-based monitoring. The integration of these advanced technologies and innovative systems enhances productivity, conserves resources, and optimizes the farm’s efficiency.


  • Green Peas offers professional design services for permaculture gardens and systems, tailored to each client's specific needs and requirements. Our design services include site analysis, conceptual design, detailed design, financial analysis, and implementation plans.

  • Green Peas provides full-scale implementation services, including site preparation, material procurement, installation of garden beds, irrigation systems, water harvesting systems, water treatment systems, energy systems, composting systems, and seeding systems, as well as planting the permaculture garden.

  • Green Peas offers ongoing management and maintenance services to help clients maintain the health and productivity of their permaculture gardens. This includes regular monitoring and assessment, as well as ongoing maintenance work, such as pruning, mulching, and weed control.

  • Green Peas offers comprehensive training services to educate individuals and organizations about permaculture. Our training program includes educational workshops, one-on-one training sessions, and specialized training on various aspects of permaculture design and implementation.

  • Green Peas also provides consulting services to help clients maintain their gardens on the long term. Our consulting services are tailored to the unique needs of each client, and include one-on-one sessions, as well as follow-up support to ensure that the permaculture garden is being properly maintained.

  • A curated selection of eco-friendly products and tools designed to support sustainable living, gardening, and landscape practices.



  • Organic farming and permaculture both aim to grow food without harmful chemicals, but they have different focuses. Organic farming mainly focuses on what you can't do - no synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. It's all about growing food in a way that's better for the environment.

    On the other hand, permaculture is a broader concept. It's not just about what you grow, but also how you grow it. Permaculture involves designing your garden or farm to work like a natural ecosystem. It considers factors like water use, how plants and animals interact, and how we can reduce waste. So, while organic farming is a part of permaculture, permaculture is about a lot more than just farming.

  • Permaculture handles pests and diseases mainly through prevention and promoting a balanced ecosystem. Here are the key strategies:

    Diversity: By encouraging a wide range of plant and animal species, permaculture reduces the risk of any single pest or disease becoming too dominant.

    Beneficial Insects and Animals: Certain insects and animals can act as natural pest controllers. For example, ladybugs and spiders eat many types of harmful insects, and birds can help control pest populations.

    Healthy Soil: Healthy, nutrient-rich soil leads to stronger plants that are more resistant to pests and diseases. Techniques like composting and mulching are used in permaculture to improve soil health.

    Companion Planting: Some plants can deter pests when grown near certain other plants. This method, known as companion planting, is often used in permaculture.

    Natural Remedies: If pests or diseases do become a problem, permaculture favors natural remedies over synthetic pesticides. These could include homemade sprays made from garlic or chili peppers, or biologically-based treatments.

    Remember, the goal of permaculture is not to eliminate all pests and diseases, but to create a balanced, resilient system where they are less likely to cause significant damage.

  • Everything gardens! You don't need a large area to practice permaculture. While permaculture can be applied on a large scale, it's also completely possible to implement permaculture principles in smaller spaces such as urban yards, balconies, or even indoors with container gardens. The key is to think creatively and make the most efficient use of the space you have. By utilizing techniques such as vertical gardening, companion planting, and careful planning, you can develop a productive permaculture system regardless of the size of your space.

  • Permaculture isn't as widespread as traditional agriculture for several reasons:

    Historical Momentum and Infrastructure: Traditional agriculture has been the dominant system for centuries and is heavily embedded in our societies. Existing infrastructure, technologies, and supply chains are largely designed around this system.

    Economic Factors: Traditional agriculture is often driven by large-scale, monoculture farming, which is supported by governmental subsidies in many regions. This makes it economically more viable for many farmers.

    Knowledge and Training: Permaculture requires a deep understanding of ecological principles and design skills. Traditional agricultural training programs often don't cover these topics.

    Short-term Yields: Traditional agriculture can produce high yields in the short term, although this comes at the cost of long-term sustainability.

    Scale: Permaculture principles can be more challenging to apply at a large scale, which is often required for commercial farming operations.

    However, interest in permaculture is growing as awareness of sustainability issues increases. Its principles are being adopted in various forms of regenerative and sustainable agriculture, and it is being taught and practiced more widely now than ever before.

  • Absolutely, permaculture can be a rewarding venture. While it involves some upfront investment for setup, it blossoms into a self-sustaining system that requires minimal maintenance, making it a cost-effective choice in the long run. Nurturing plenty of diverse, marketable products, and it offers exciting opportunities such as educational programs, consulting, and eco-tourism. More than just a monetary enterprise, permaculture is a lifestyle that harmonizes profitability with environmental and community enrichment. Embracing permaculture is about investing in a prosperous future that sustains not just your wallet, but also our planet and its people.

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Your journey towards sustainable living starts here!

Whether you're a landowner aiming for self-sufficiency, an individual keen on learning about ecology, or simply curious about permaculture, we're eager to hear from you.

Let's cultivate a greener future together!